
Wednesday, 3 August 2011

SD329 - TMA3

Course work 3. Three questions.

Question 1 is the biggest. In this we have to perform a home experiment, and then write it up as a proper experimental write up. The subject is the Pulfrich effect, which is an oddity in visual processing. You view a pendulum in this case or other moving thing using both eyes, but with one eye slightly obscured by a filter making the scene less bright. The brain interprets the slight lag in a similar way to seeing things moving in 3-d, so the pendulum which is swinging back and forth in front of the subject, starts to apparently take on a elliptical path moving closer and further away at the peak swing. What's more you can measure this using a pointer stick and work out where apparently the object comes to its closest point. From all this it is possible using a bit of trig to work out what this means in the delay in neural processing.  Myself and my daughter set this up one Sunday morning as my variation on the experiment was to see if the difference in ages affected the processing speed.
I used a tin of beans attached to the curtain rail, and a handy dog as backdrop. We were supplied with

Anyway - the experiment went ok, and the write up too. 1500 words or so with references and so on.

Question 2 is a short essay for the layman, describing visual processing contrasting bottom up and top down processing. This wasn't too bad, after the marathon first question.

Question 3 was much easier for me anyway - it was about focal lengths and whether a person was short sighted or not, and what was the nearest distance they could observe etc. Some basic maths and a few definitions.

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