- An introductory letter
- A course calender
- A course guide
- A ring binder and insert
- A stack of reading (well 180 pages worth)
- A CD-ROM with more stuff on and a virtual lab.
The 3rd level residentials take a step up in pace, as you have to pass a computer marked assignment (CMA in the OU jargon), which is a 20 question multi-choice paper before you even get to the place. This, the lady assured me last year when I was scoping the place out, is to ensure you have fully read all the material beforehand. SXR103 I suspect you can wiggle your way through provided you have a bit of background and some luck without reading the materials, especially if you are doing S103/4. SXR270 it certainly helped to read the materials beforehand, but here they want to make sure!
The first few chapters of the material are great, as they are almost revision for the S320 course I'm doing at the moment. A whole batch of immunology, and the theory of PCR and blotting techniques. Then there is a whole load of stuff on the mechanisms of the HIV virus and how it attacks cells, and the mutations that can help or fight it. There is also a paper to read on the discovery of CCR5-delta32 mutation which renders some people almost immune to HIV.
The CD-ROM gets you to work through a simulated lab procedure for running PCR DNA amplification and the western blotting for proteins. This is quite useful, as most of my first experiments in this I messed up by using the wrong concentrations, picking the wrong temperature or the wrong primers. One click and you can try again. An inexpensive way to make mistakes!
There is also a mini-lecture on HIV infection and some PDFs on the disc, but most of the material, including the CMA has to be loaded from the course web site. There is the usual first class forum, and I've noticed a few people I've met on previous residential course. I think there are only a small number of people that can fit in the lab, so its typically only 20-30 people per week - which is somewhat smaller than either of the other two residentials. It's also the reason I signed up for this course at 7:30am on the day registration opened to ensure a place!
So - onwards trhough the reading, the CD and then the CMA (which you can submit online - yay!).