
Thursday 22 July 2010

SXR270 Tutor - Day 5

Day 5 - and the sausages and bacon go with the mushroom - although only 3 of them.

Then off to the lab to do some cardiovascular work.
This involved using various heart rate monitors, blood pressure meters and stethoscopes.
The students planned a lot of their own experiments, from the effect of exercise on BP & pulse, to caffeine intake, to mental stress. Some clever ideas came out of the session.

Lunch was cauliflower and potato bake, and more chocolate stashed.

After lunch, they were given 2 hours to construct a scientific poster, and some very good ones were made.

It was a bit of a panic at the end. Then after they were all finished, I had to go and mark my groups, which was a bit of a responsibility. It took quite a time to read them all and examine.They all passed, and I wrote comments for them.

Then a mad dash back for tea (chicken and chocolate pudding), in rather muggy weather. A shower was needed before I went back to the room to give feedback and forms to the students.

Then back up the hill once more, and to the bar. I bought a disco ticket, and decided to leave earlier as tomorrow could be a late night.

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